
Translation is an art in itself.

Braslíngua looks closely at the source text and then puts itself in your target group's shoes. What is their language level and culture? How can you deliver a message that touches them? That makes translation an art. An art we love.

Braslíngua provides professional, reliable translations from Dutch, English, German, French and Italian into European and Brazilian Portuguese. Any kind of text, image or diagram is carefully translated and delivered in the same format.

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You must transfer the text, the idea with all the subtleties from one language to another.

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You must find equivalents in the other language for typically cultural expressions.

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The “spirit” of the original text must be kept in the other language.

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The face behind Braslíngua

The face behind Braslíngua

Paulo F. de Mendonça, born in São Paulo, Brazil, is the driving force behind Braslíngua.

He has a graduate degree in Food Engineering, and MBA in Marketing. He also studied Mechanical Engineering at the São Paulo State University in Brazil. As a student, he lived in the United States and graduated from an American High School. From childhood, he developed a passion for languages and since then he has successfully completed studies in English, Dutch, German, French and Italian, obtaining the related diplomas. He has been living in the Netherlands for more than thirty years.

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